Children Uniting Nations

Become a Mentor!

Sadly, children are the main victims of adult difficulties-whether it’s financial or political problems, war, lack of education, malnutrition, or carelessness. Adults can perpetuate the cycle of pain and neglect for more than a BILLION children. We must break the cycle and give our future, peace and security in this millennium! There is so much potential in our children and our future. Each generation has the ability to create a new society. If we continue to inflict suffering and intolerance upon our children the world will continue in its increase in violence and despair. We have the ability to break-the-cycle now and create compassionate and loving children for the future. Children Uniting Nations (CUN) is one organization that is taking the initiative. CUN is committed to help EVERY child find a way out of cruelty, neglect, and anger. This organization is dedicated to help children find their way to fulfill their dreams. Children Uniting Nations’ mission is to create loving, tolerant, and capable world citizens.

CUN is a proactive organization created to bring attention to the plight of at-risk and foster youth. The goal is to reach as many children in out-of-home care by offering role-model support, guidance, a sense of community and promote the importance of an education. Inspired by the Day of the Child, CUN wanted mentoring to be more accessible to children living in foster care and therefore created a mentoring program to be administered in every city nationwide.

Pioneered in Los Angeles, CUN’s central mentoring program known as the Mentoring Partnership for Los Angeles Youth (mPLAY) has become the model program for the rest of the country. Children Uniting Nations continues to support and make possible the efforts of mPLAY by providing advocacy, funding, producing large- scale recruitment events and serving as the fiscal agent to the partnership. mPLAY is dedicated to providing children in the foster care system with highly trained mentors that are compassionate, steadfast and have an unconditional desire to give of themselves in order to make a positive difference in the lives of our most vulnerable children. About Children United NationsCUN is a proactive organization created to
bring attention to the plight of at-risk and foster youth. The goal is to
reach as many children in out-of-home care by offering role model support,
guidance, a sense of community and promoting the importance of an education.
Inspired by the their annual program “Day of the Child”, CUN wanted
mentoring to be more accessible to children living in foster care and
therefore created a mentoring program to be administered in every city
nationwide. Daphna Ziman, founder of Children Uniting Nations, is currently
in the last phase of securing the creation and construction of sister
villages for young girls in China as well as a Foster Children’s Village in
Los AngelesChina is acknowledging the need for a permanent service that
will provide assistance to abandoned girls. “This is a historical ‘front
page’ event. It has taken us five years of working diligently with the
Chinese government ending in a final commitment from the president of China,
who has agreed to be the volunteer chair of CUN Asia” says Ziman. 

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