Jesse McCartney Threatens to Sue Over ‘Nude, Doctored’ Photo


Looks as if Jesse McCartney is the latest victim of a nude photo scandal to hit the internet.

Though the photos have really yet to spread like wildfire, his legal team must have received some sort of a heads up, because they started damage control before anything ever happened.

In a Cease & Desist letter sent this morning to Starzlife, and every other blog out there it seems, the counsel for Mr. McCartney claims the following;

“A person is attempting to circulate a nude photo which purports to be Mr. McCartney. McCartney was unaware of the taking of this alleged photo, did not knowingly participate in the taking of this photo, and certainly did not consent to the taking of such photo. It appears that this photo has been manipulated and doctored by computer software.”

They go on to say that any publication of these images would be an invasion of Mr. McCartney’s privacy rights, and those involved will be prosecuted and face severe monetary damages.

Sounds to me like even though they care claiming it’s fake, they are trying EXTRA hard to beat this before it appears.  That leads one to believe that it’s either a.) real  b.) embarassing c.)fake but real convincing and real embarassing d.) they haven’t seen it, have no idea if it’s real or fake, but afraid of what it might be.

We at Starzlife have heard nothing, or seen nothing of this photo yet, and are honestly not interested in it anyways.  Sorry, Jess.

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