Rapper Kid Cudi once said “I feel like I’m doing the Shia Labeouf in music,” and has made it a goal to one day work with the actor. Looks like he’s on the pursuit of happiness because his dreams are coming true. LaBeouf is set to direct Cudi’s new video for ‘Marijuana,’ the controversial new […]
Tag Archives | Shia LaBeouf

More Details Emerge From Shia LaBeouf’s Bar Room Brawl
Shia Labeouf’s bar room brawl last week has got him in hot water with one local establishment, but the details and story from others involved are coming forward and painting a picture of just what kind of a drunk he is. Apparently after an altercation at a Sherman Oaks, California bar last week lead police […]
Shia LaBeouf Confirms Involvement in Indiana Jones 5
Shia Labeouf has revealed that Indiana Jones 5 is in the works, and they are talking about bringing him back. LaBeouf appeared in the fourth film, as the son of Jones, played by Harrison Ford. Harrison Ford is set to return for the fifth film as well, which is set for a release around the […]
Shia LaBeouf Talks Megan Fox on His 24th Birthday
Shia LaBeouf turns 24 today. Unfortunately for Shia, he’s down in the dumps this year on his birthday. Why? Over the loss of Megan Fox in Transformers 3. On Thursday, Shia spoke with USA Today regarding Megan’s departure from the series and had this to say : “I love Megan and I miss the girl,” […]
Shia LaBeouf ‘Not Impressed’ With Transformers Sequel
Though he didn’t write any of them, Shia LaBeouf is promising that the third installment of the Transformers movie will be the best one yet. Though both the first and second one were a HUGE success at the box office, LaBeouf is being critical of his work and saying that the second film was rubbish. […]
Shia LaBeouf Slams “Kim’s Sister” For DUI Preaching
Shia LaBeouf opened up to the recent issue of GQ magazine about his 2008 truck accident, and the criticism he faced in the weeks following. The initial reports from the crash site was that the actor had been drinking and driving when his truck flipped over in Hollywood, but it was later discovered that it […]

Why So Shy-a
We spotted Shia LaBeouf leaving the house of Al Pacino in Los Angeles this week, wearing a ratty old flannel shirt that looks like he spit toothpaste all over the front of. I know what you’re saying, “that’s the style” and “he probably paid good money for that at Urban Outfitters.” But the truth is, […]

Shia LaBeouf Dating Co-Star
Shia LaBeouf has been rumored to be dating his Wall Street 2 co-star Carey Mulligan for some time now, and though the two have not came out offically, another co-star has let it slip. Michael Douglas, who starred in the original Wall Street as well as the sequel said in a recent interview of the […]

Oliver Stone Releases Trailer For Wall Street 2
Oliver Stone just released the trailer for Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, which is the sequel to the 1987 film Wall Street, which starred Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas. Sheen will appear in Wall Street 2, but It’s Michael Douglas and Shia LaBeouf who get the top billing in this one. Check the trailer out […]

Transformers 2 Ready to Rule
It’s no secret that Transformers 2 is going to take the top box office spot when it’s released this Friday. And with the mega positive reviews it’s getting from it’s premieres, it will be no surprise if it takes the number one movie of the summer, and year as well. It’s the highly anticipated sequel […]