Paris, Not France Reveals Paris Hilton To Be A Self-Absorbed Socialite with Lots of Money (SHOCKING!)


Paris Hilton‘s documentary, called Paris, Not France, aired last night on MTV. The documentary was billed as an exclusive look into the side of Paris that few see. It was supposed to break down a lot of the false conclusions we the commoners have about Ms. Hilton.

Not so much.

She revealed that her baby voice and vapid “that’s hot” catchphrase are an act. Her real voice is a smidge lower.

If you thought Paris was rich, clueless, and lives a life of ridiculous luxury, then you are absolutely right.

She carries around a stack of $20,000 in cash for her shopping trips, never wears the same thing twice (neither does her dog), and she takes sleeping pills so that her hair and make-up team can work on her while she sleeps.

I did genuinely feel for her when she described having her sex tape surface, but only for a moment. “I was in a relationship at the time so you can imagine the strain it put on that.” The documentary crew asks who she was dating at the time, Paris laughs and says, “I can’t remember”. The most traumatic time during your life and you can’t remember who you were dating?

Home videos and interviews with her parents reveal how much Paris was groomed for the lifestyle from an early age. Her nanny would call her ‘Star’, she and sister Nikki would put on fashion shows as children and pretend to be interviewed by reporters. Even a psychic once told her grandmother that Paris would be the most photographed woman in the world, and her family took it almost as a given.

Paris claims she works hard. And she does. She crams photo shoot after photo shoot into a day already packed with magazine interviews and appearances. It is exhausting, but it’s not really that hard. Her job is to look pretty. She does earn a living, and her wealth comes from her own enterprise- but Paris fails to see that it is only because she is a Hilton that she is in a position to make those millions. It’s like saying you’re independent because you bought your own popcorn at the theater, ignoring the fact that Daddy bought you the movie ticket to get in.

The documentary didn’t really show much of anything we didn’t already know about Paris- the paparazzi, the shopping, the hectic days. However, it did provide some insight into our collective interest in her. One fan squeals, “She’s that girl you want to hang out with! She’s popular, she’s blonde…!” which lies in perfect contrast to what Village Voice gossip columnist Michael Musto says about Paris- “She’s the girl from high school you hated…  you wanna strangle [her] f***ing Prada neck!”

Instead of changing the way we look at Paris, the doc just added fuel to the fire. If you hated Paris, you’ll hate her even more after the documentary. If you love Paris, you’ll love her even more.

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