Lady Gaga has officially disbanded her partnership with retail giant Target due to their controversial policies on political donations, according to a report. The two sides had been butting heads since beginning negotiations, with Gaga telling at one point, “That discussion (with Target) was one of the most intense conversations I’ve ever had in […]
About Ben Gleck
Author Archive | Ben Gleck

Target & Others Joining in on Charlie Sheen Craze
Everyone on twitter is enjoying Charlie sheen jokes, quotes, and tweets, so why not Target? The company took to their Twitter page and 114,000 followers to send the message: “Contrary to popular opinion, #TigerBlood is not available at the Dollar Spot. #Winning, however, is on sale daily.” Two genius ways of getting their page in […]

Mike Huckabee Explains Natalie Portman Comments
Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee is probably not counting on any backing from Hollywood, or the entire state of California for that matter when it comes to elections in 2012, but when he made headline news with his comments of Natalie Portman on Thursday night, it was time for a little damage control. While participating in […]

Why is “McLobster” Trending Today?
You’ve read about it all morning on Twitter, and probably doubted its existence, but YES, THE MCLOBSTER IS REAL! McDonalds just started running a new campaign for the McLobster roll, which will be available for a short time in participating restaurants, but apparently it’s not new. The McLobster has been available during certain times for […]

Bristol Palin Writing Memoir
Bristol Palin is following in her mothers footsteps by becoming an author! It has officially been announced that the eldest Palin daughter will be writing a memoir. The title, ‘Not Afraid of Life’ will be released this summer and according to a representative from Harper Collins, who will be publishing the memoir, readers will get […]

Lindsay Lohan Tweets For Egypt
Celebs love good will. Though she has troubles, Lindsay Lohan is no different. Lohan sent out some tweets of positivity to Egypt today, on the day they are celebrating the resignation of their former President, Hosni Mubarak. She says: Congratulations to the people of Egypt. Your voices were heard and you proved that peaceful demonstrations […]

John McCain Responds to Mubarak’s Resignation in Egypt
U.S. Senator John McCain released the following statement today regarding the decision of Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak to step down. “I applaud President Mubarak’s decision to step down. This was obviously a very difficult decision for President Mubarak, but it is the right decision for Egypt. History will note that President Mubarak’s last action in […]

President Murbarak Resigns in Egypt
Egypt’s President Hosni Murbarak has resigned on Friday, 30 years since taking control of the country, handing over the power to the military. In a one minute television message, Vice President Omar Suleiman said Mubarak had resigned and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces will “run the affairs of the country.” All it took […]

Bristol Palin Dropped From University Abststinence Panel
A group of students from Washington University have protested an invitation to Bristol Palin to speak at their St. Louis campus causing the invitation to be rescinded. Bristol was invited by the Student Health Advisory Committee to talk about abstinence during the university’s Student Sexual Responsibility Week, but concerns of her lack of expertise on […]