Paris Hilton can’t win! She never can go very long without finding herself in trouble and when she decides to stay home and lay low trouble always finds her. Another man somehow slipped past Hilton’s security and gate and making his way up to her door on his bike this evening. He was finally tackled […]
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Paris Hilton Playing Step-Mommy to Boyfriend’s Daughter
Even though she’s got no kids of her own, Paris Hilton is eager to jump right in and play step-mommy to the daughter of her boyfriend, Cy Waits. Cy has a seven year old daughter, Shea, from a previous relationship, and Cy has been balancing being a dad with his now fledgling relationship with Paris […]

Happy Birthday Nicky Hilton
It’s been a roller coaster of a year with break ins and family drama but Nicky’s starting her 27th year off on a great note with the recent launch of her new jewelry line. She celebrated her birthday with her sister Paris, boyfriend David Katzenberg, his father Jeffrey and Zach Braff on Saturday night at […]

Twitter of the Day
“Just bought a lot of great books at Bool Soup. I love reading. You can learn so much from a well written book.” We think she means Book Soup, and we hope one of the books is about how to spell book.

The “Real Paris” Coming to Reality TV
Paris Hilton has a new reality show in the works with The Oxygen network, according to a source. The new show will be a “fly-on-the-wall” look at the every day life of Paris Hilton, the REAL Paris Hilton, not the Paris Hilton that she had to play up to on her past reality series, The […]

Baby Paris Hilton Just Says No to ‘Just Say No’
Paris Hilton Twittered and old photo of herself running away from Nancy Reagan. It’s these kind of tweets that make us suspect Paris may be a little more cheeky than she lets on. First Lady Reagan, who is best remembered in the era as spear heading the ‘Just Say No’ anti-drug campaign and beating by repeating […]

Don’t Be Fooled by Paris Hilton’s Heart of Gold
Someone needs to tell Paris that it’s only volunteering if you have a choice and Paris doesn’t. She does however have about 200 hours of community service to work off as part of her sentence for cocaine possession. Over the next few months we’re more than likely going to see Paris Hilton tweeting a lot about […]

Finally! A Victory for Paris Hilton
Those bastards Hallmark got what was coming to them and Paris received some much needed coke and purse money. Hilton just won a lawsuit against the greeting card company over a card with a Paris like figure that uttering the phrase “that’s hot.” Hallmark claimed the card was satirical take on a public figure but […]
Japan Says Sayanora to Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton has returned home to the US after being detained by customs in Japan for a lengthy amount of time. Paris and her team are tweeting up a storm claiming how sad they were about having to cancel their engagements in the country, but no word on whether or not it was the Japanese […]

Japan to Paris Hilton: Do Not Enter
A day after pleading guilty to cocaine possession in Las Vegas, Paris Hilton hopped a jet to Japan to fulfill an appearance obligation for her fall/winter line. The hotel heiress was detained by Japanese officials for more than SIX HOURS upon arrival, and we’re betting they gave her a thorough search. Eventually she was let […]