Look, it’s David Spade! He’s the man responsible for the best and funniest hour-long stand-up special in history, Take the Hit. “Oh, but Grant, surely you mean Chris Rock and Bring the Pain.” No, I don’t. And let me give you permission to quit pretending it’s better just because Chris Rock says the racist stuff […]
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Spade Can’t Sell Malibu Mansion
David Spade has been bustin’ his ass tryin’ to sell his Malibu pad, but in today’s market, he’s having no luck so its now available to rent. Spade put the house on the market last year for the asking price of $16 million dollars. Back in 2005 when he bought it, he only paid about […]

David Spade Gives and Gives.
Always one to give back to his home state of Arizona, this time David Spade is donating to a cause much further away. Spade recently donated $10,000 to Operation Helmet, a charity that provides blast and impact protecting helmets to combat troops overseas. Because of Spade’s donation, 3,000 helmets were able to be sent to […]

One Donation Away From Owning Arizona!
David Spade is quite the giver. But only to those causes he deems important to the life he’s lived, namely, his home state of Arizona. David recently presented the Phoenix Police Department with a check for $100,000.00 to put towards their rifle program. The department is seeking to buy 300 new rifles for it’s officers. […]

How Does He Do It?
This guy, David “I’m tired of bustin my ass” Spade somehow manages to wrangle up all of the hott bitches! He’s the father of a child with a former Playboy Playmate, and now he’s been getting close and personal with Desperate Housewives actress, Nicolette Sheridan. David and Nic were spotted together at her 45th birthday […]

David Spade Has Unofficially Become a Dad!
Every time I see this picture I feel like Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC is going to pop out and say something like “Hi, why don’t you have a seat over there,” but that’s beside the point. The point is that David Spade may be the father of a baby born last week in Missouri.

Sleazeballs are givers too!
He only looks sleazy, but David Spade is actually doing something nice for an Arizona community. Apparently all that bustin’ his ass that he’s always so tired of has paid off and enabled him to do some good.

David Spade still “bustin his ass.”
David Spade is still bustin’ his ass, and he’s still tired of it! Here are some photos of David enjoying Malibu over the 4th of July weekend.

Spawn of Spade.
David Spade is tired of bustin his ass’ , but he’s going to be bustin’ it 9 months from now when he has to keep up with a child that an ex-girlfriend is pregnant with.
Happy Friday, y’all!
Came all the way down from my cabin in ’em mountains… Jest hopin’ to put a smile up on your face! 🙂 Happy Friday, y’all!!