Call him captain obvious, but Bill O’Riley may have insinuated on his talk show last evening that American Idol 8 contestant Adam Lambert was gay. O’Riley showed some photos that were leaked on the internet before the competition heated up with feautred the Hollywood resident making out with dudes, and wearing a bunch of make-up. […]
Tag Archives | american idol 8

Who is Responsible for This???
A jokester on the American Idol staff must have thought it would be funny to dress the shows blind contestant, Scott Macintyre in a pair of pink pants for last nights performance round. When Seacrest asked Macintyre about his Greg Brady ensemble which also included a paisley shirt and brown jacket, to which he explained […]

The Next American Idol??
These first two weeks of voteable competition on American Idol’s top 36 with the “group one, group two” format has been rather snoozy. Nobody has really really shined until the final performance last night. Adam Lambert from Hollywood hit the stage last and revived a night of singing that was about to flat line. Check […]

Huge American Idol Spoiler!!!
The supposed top 36 for this season of American Idol has been leaked onto the internet this week, and while there’s no proof that it’s the official 36, it apparently comes from good sources, and even they claim to not be 100% sure, but to be about 99% sure. The top 36 will be those […]

Ryan Seacrest is used to high fiving every contestant who comes out of the judges room with a golden ticket on American Idol, but apparently he’s not used to many of them being blind! American Idol returned last night and featured an audition by a guy named Scott Macintyre. Scott is Idol’s first blind contestant, […]

Idol is Doing What for Season 8???
American Idol is doing the unthinkable for it’s upcoming season… Adding a 4th Judge to the “sounds just right when you say it” combination of Simon, Paula, and Randy. In an attempt to even up the genders, Idol will be adding record producer Kara DioGuardi.