‘Hills’ get’s another run

MTV is giving the green light on a 4th season of The Hills.The Hills, which is currently set to wrap up it’s third and a half season on May 12, has been cleared for a season 4 MTV is reporting. The show, which just recently started filming, will document how the girls spent their summers. Translation: more of the same.

The entire cast will be returning and unfortunately that means another season of LC narrating and nagging about Spencer. In my honest opinion, and i’m probably one of the few, but I would much rather watch a show that was actually narrated by Spencer Pratt himself.

Here’s to wishing for a spin off.

Speaking of Spencer, if you haven’t read his YO SPENCER column that he does for Radar Magazine, I’m not sure if you’re lucky or missing out. The boy is brutally honest, however that makes it definitely not safe for the juniors! Translation: He dares to go there. where’s there? … some place you can’t see while looking in the mirror.

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