Check out Fergie Ferg letting the beat rock at Montreal’s premiere nightclub, Tribe Hyperclub this past weekend. Guess this is before her peeps allegedly beat up Perez for saying she is “fugly” and calling Will.I.Am gay. If this is true…Will, aren’t you used to people calling you gay? Why does it piss you off so […]
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Greyhound Decapitator to be Free. Oh, Canada!
Vince Li is the man who decapitated passenger on a Grey Hound bus, dangled the body parts out the window for everyone to see, and reportedly ate some of them as well before being apprehended by Canadian police. If you see Vince Li on the street in the future, cross the damn street!!! Why would […]

Vancouver Residents Interested in Being in New Twilight Film.
A new casting call on Craigslist searching for actors to partake in an “un-named movie” to shoot from mid-March through May has appeared, and a local Canadian paper is calling the movie out to be New Moon, the sequel to last years vampire love story, Twilight. The ad looks as follows: MAJOR MOTION PICTURE OPEN […]

Skinny Ronson Plays to Our Neighbor to the North.
A shockingly thin Samantha Ronson dee-jayed at Bank Nightclub in Montreal Canada this weekend, and check out these amazing EXCLUSIVE!! photos from photographer Jazmin Million. All the talk last week was about Lindsay’s drastic weight loss, but what about the naturally thin DJ who seems to be looking more thin than usual. Is the breakup/make […]