Girls Gone Wild creator Joe Francis is livid at Gawker for calling him a “rapist.” (And a douche – but he’s not as mad at that.) Francis is threatening to sue for ten million big ones after he was labeled a rapist in the site’s “Douche of the Decade” poll (which he won). Wrote […]
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Joe Francis Knows the Pain Of Persecution
Joe Francis marched on Washington last weekend with other pro-gay rights protesters because he feels their plight. He told Page Six, “With the gay movement, it’s personal. The same religious-right assholes who took away my civil rights and put me in jail for a year because they don’t like what I do for a living […]

Joe Francis Gets Off
Girls Gone Wild impresario Joe Francis just dodged a second stint in the clink – he was facing additional jail time from his 2007 charges of tax evasion. Joe Francis has agreed to plead guilty to filing false tax returns and will avoid further jail time in a tax case that spanned two states and several years, court filings show. […]

Oh Joe Francis, Can You Do Anything Right?
Joe Francis, creator of Girls Gone Wild, is having legal troubles yet again. Nope, it’s not for videotaping underage girls, tax evasion, or assault– this time it’s for not paying a bill. Houck Construction is suing Francis for failing to pay construction costs for the work they performed on his Bel Air, CA mansion. Francis […]

Brody Jenner and Joe Francis Fight at LA Nightclub, AGAIN
In March, we reported that Hills reality star Brody Jenner had been in a spat with Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis at an LA nightclub. Well, last night they were at it again! The first fight in March occurred at club MyHouse after Jenner claims Francis was repeatedly bumping into the girls Jenner was […]

Joe Francis Should Maybe Try a Better Defense
Joe Francis, founder of the Girls Gone Wild franchise, is on trial for tax evasion. He is accused of writing off thousands of dollars as ‘business expenses’. So how does his legal team plan on getting him off? By linking him with celebrities, duh! Francis’ lawyers have made a powerpoint which was obtained by The […]

Brody Almost Goes Wild With Joe Francis.
Brody Jenner almost got into a little scuffle with Girls Gone Wild creator Joe Francis last night at new Hollywood hot spot My House after Jenner thought that Francis was disrespecting the girls they were all with. Brody was joined by girlfriend Jayde Nicole, Paris Hilton, Doug Reinhardt, and some other members of his bromance […]

Khloe Kardashian to Join Trump’s Apprentice.
Khloe Kardashian is rumored to be one of the new nobody’s trying to make a buck on Donald Trump‘s next season of Celebrity Apprentice. Want to know else who might be thrown in the mix? Read on.

Good always prevails over evil.
In this case, I’m not quite sure who’s good and who’s evil, but Girls Gone Wild creator and former prison bitch, Joe Francis, finally had a law suit go in his favor for once.