Even internet hackers are jumping on the swine flu bandwagon. A mass of emails with the subject “Madonna caught the swine flu” or “Salma Hayek caught the swine flu” have been making their way around the internet and tricking unsuspecting readers to open the message which contains a spyware. By downloading the spyware, the hackers […]
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A Confirmed Real Wedding This Weekend!!
Since it’s uncertain what kind of shenanigans Spencer and Heidi are going to serve up to us this weekend, lets talk about an actual wedding for a minute! Salma Hayek is all set to marry François-Henri Pinault for the second time this weekend in Venice, Italy, and guests have already been arriving for the ceremony. […]

Salma Hayek Ties the Knot!!
Salma Hayek didn’t spend her valentines day breastfeeding children who aren’t hers in third world countries, instead she married a billionaire!! Salma married her re-kindled flame, and father of her daughter Valentina, French bilionaire, Francois-Henri Pinault. The pair were wed at the town hall on the Saint Germain area on the left bank. Congrats!

She’s Addicted to What?
Salma Hayek, who is the mother to one-year-old Valenina Paloma Pinault recently admitted during an interview that she can’t stop breastfeeding. Hayek told Style Magazine; “I’m like an alcoholic. It is like, I don’t care if I cry, I don’t care if I am fat, I am just going to do it for one more […]

Just In Time for Christmas
Hollywood Domino is the hottest new game in Hollywood and it’s being released just in time for the christmas season. Hollywood Domino is just like the classica old Dominos game only with a unique Hollywood twist to it. Last night in New York City they held the offical launch party for the game and it […]

Do It For the Kid!
Is Salma Hayek re-kindling her romance with Francois-Henri Pinault?? It looks like it could be so. Salma was spotted at the Balenciaga fashion show in Paris this past weekend sitting next to Pinault and according to a witness, they looked awfully close and happy to be around eachother. Pinault is the owner of Balenciaga, along […]

Salma Hayek to Produce Reality Weddings.
She may have called off her own wedding, but she’s planning to document the happy day of others. Salma Hayek is set to develop an hour long reality series based weddings.

Salma shows us what a real baby looks like!
Katie are you watching? Salma Hayek and her daughter, Valentina, stepped out in Beverly Hills Thursday afternoon. Check out the photos inside.