She’s getting to be quite the little blogger these days. Lindsay Lohan has finally written something that doesn’t have to do with her father, but to do with Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin and her daughter’s teenage pregnancy. read on to see what LL has to say.
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Ashlee Simpson is So Pregnant.
It’s no secret she’s going to have her baby in a couple of months, so why’s she trying to hide it with that big scarf and shopping bag?! Ashlee Simpson-Wentz was out and about doing some shopping in Hollywood on Thursday afternoon. Check out the photos after this.

Paris Blogs.
Paris Hilton posted up a new blog on her official Myspace page. Warning: It’s very long and contains little to no information of relevance, but then again, if you are a Paris Hilton fan, this is your Sunday sermon with the minister of Melrose. So read on to see what’s been up with P.

Lindsay thinks you’re a pedophile!
Lindsay Lohan has some spare time with her main bitch out of town this week, so she decided to write a thank you letter to all of her fans, and by thank you letter I mean thank you all for being pervs and checking out my little sister.

It Looks Like Britney Spears’ What?????
Dane Cook thinks his upcoming movie with Kate Hudson and Jason Biggs is the funniest movie he’s ever done. The marketing poster…Not so much. Cook posted a blog on his official Myspace page layin’ out all the things he hates about the movies poster. You’ll never guess what he compared his face to! Check out […]

She’d Rather B With her Br0thR.
Brooke Hogan claims to know best on her reality show, and also on her Myspace page. The surprisingly only normal seeming Hogan at the moment posted a blog last night blasting the press, and all the gossip fans of the world out there.

They stole her diary!
Unfortunately it’s not her real diary, where she probably writes all the steamy (puke) details about her and Lindsay’s lezcapades. Sam Ronson recently had her Myspace page hacked and has finally managed to get it back in order.

Kim Kardashian explains her Malibu brawl!
Kim Kardashian ended up wearing a drink in Malibu this weekend as she was involved in an incident with a very jealous Shana Moakler. I waited til’ Kim posted her explination on her official blog. (yes I’m now considered a frequent visitor) and now I’m going to deliver both sides of the story.
Want to meet Paris today?
Fans in the San Diego area have a shot at meeting St. Paris today if your willing to fight through the swarm of nerds that will be gathering at this years ComiCon.

Paris back on Myspace.
Paris is sick of the rumors! And taking to her Myspace blog to clear them all up.