Ooooh Lawd! Tyler Perry Done Been Sued For Talking ‘Bout Jesus


Bertha James, who wrote a song about Jesus in 1950, is suing Tyler Perry for allegedly lifting an entire verse to use in a monologue about Jesus in his latest film about how great Jesus is. Suing a man for getting the word out about Jesus? That’s not very Christian. Then again, neither is being gay.

According to court documents obtained by TMZ on Nov. 26, James’s estate alleges that the 40 year-old black movie maverick, whose real name is Emmitt R. Perry Jr., “incorporated the entire chorus in a monologue delivered by the main character in ‘Madea’ referencing her deliverance from a jail sentence and leniency for repetitive criminal conduct.”

Why did it take this long for people to realize the guy’s a hack? Remember in I Can Do Bad All By Myself when Tyler Perry, as Madea, says, “I got gasoline coming out my pores, I’m a torch, I got glasses like that white boy Scott Storch and a Porsche, I got a license for the scorch, snipers at ya porch, rifles by the forts, and we shoot up courts”? Come on, how did people not realize that’s from a Lil’ Wayne mixtape?

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