Starzlife 310 409 6992 Wil I am and the Blackeyed Peas celebrate the Dip Dive party at the All Points worldwide/ Night Vision Entertainment Oasis Party in the Merv Griffin estate in Coachella 04/18/10
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Wil I am and the Blackeyed Peas celebrate the Dip Dive party at the All Points worldwide/ Night Vision Entertainment Oasis Party in the Merv Griffin estate in Coachella with Nightvision Entertainment.

Did We Miss The MEMO?
Is Nicole pregnant again or what? She needs to lose that baby fat STAT! A silky slinky dress does not go well with a pudgy belly. Richie wore her belly silk dress to the opening of the Madden’s new clothing store in Hollywood. Many sources say Nicole is over Harlow and regrets ever having the […]

Sherri Shepherd has never voted!
OMG! How in the world can you even say you are American if you have never voted!!! I am so grossed out by this chick who I used to really like, when she was reading the lines that were written for her by someone else. Now I can’t stand the sound of her ignorant voice.

The Best SHOW in the universe!!!
I am so happy that my absolutely FAVORITE show in the universe won the SAG award! The Office is hysterical! Unfortunately, I miss almost every freaking episode ’cause I am forced to watch UGLY BETTY, which I will admit I enjoy, but it is a far second to The Office! I can remember when I […]