Adam Lambert debuted his first single this morning on air with Ryan Seacrest, did you hear it? We gotta say, it’s not bad, it’s actually pretty good. Not sure it gives those same goosebumps he gave during some of his Idol performances. Adam says you have to listen to it LOUD! I know it’s one […]
Tag Archives | Adam Lambert

Lambert’s Album Cover Revealed!
Check out the cover of Adam Lambert’s debut album, For Your Entertainment. It doesn’t get any more glam than that from the American Idol runner up. Hopefully the music is as fierce as the cover!

Watch Glambert’s New Video
Exploding car bombs, apocalyptic skylines, and lots of guyliner! That’s Adam Lambert‘s new video for ‘Time For Miracles,’ released today exclusively on MySpace. Interestingly, the song comes from the soundtrack to ‘2012,’ out November 13, and is NOT the lead-off single from Glambert’s new album. That may be the much-talked about duet that Glambert laid […]

Skirt-Chasing Adam Lambert Really Likes The Ladies!
Ah! The power of the pretty lady! Details magazine’s latest issue features a sexed-up Adam Lambert licking an un-named gal’s lady parts! Ah, the irony of a gay man simulating the 70 minus 1 (see above) with a naked woman! Um… not so much. Anyone with half a Hollywood brain knows that the decision to […]
Adam Lambert Has Time For Miracles
Here’s the full in-its-entirety glory that is Adam Lambert‘s new single: “Time For Miracles.” While we predict a massive hit, we’re wishing the whole thing sounded less Aerosmith and more Lambert. But maybe it’ll grow on us. And we should be praising miracles that it’s Adam Lambert we’re listening to, and not that creepy christian […]

Adam Lambert to Debut Single at AMA Awards
It’ll be his first televised non Idol performance, and it will be the debut of his new single when Adam Lambert performs at the American Music Awards on November 3rd. There were rumors he’d be replacing Kanye West on Lady Gaga’s upcoming tour, but he shot them down on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show this morning, […]
How Did This Guy Not Win American Idol?
Is it too late for a re-count!? Adam Lambert hasn’t even released an official single yet, and his album doesn’t hit the shelves until November 24th, but the Lambz have spoken and he already has a #1 selling album on based on pre sales alone. The funny thing here, Lambert’s record label hasn’t even […]

What Happened to Flowers and Underwear? Sex Toy Thrown at Adam Lambert Onstage
I hope if I ever become a pop star that I’m so flamboyantly Jewish people throw money at me on stage. Adam Lambert is so flamboyantly, uh, sexy, that people at his concerts throw phallic sex toys at him. In the clip below, Adam, who actually is a Jew but has other, much more apparent qualities, […]

Lambert Leaving Fans Disappointed?
Adam Lambert’s approval rating could be dropping at a rate faster than Barack Obama’s. That is with the screaming Lambert fans who have been disappointed recently after him snubbing them during post show autograph signings. Last week Lambert was forced to tweet; “Hey guys. I have gotten a few negative messages about not signing autographs. […]

Idol’s Past and Present Perform on GMA
In case you missed it. David Cook and the band featuring Adam Lambert and Kris Allen rocked the stage of Good Morning America this morning. The Idol treo performed Fleetwood Mac’s Sweet Little Lies. Check it out below