Jon Gosselin’s Hos Playing Besties on Twitter


It’s hard to like either of these two women, Kate Major and Hailey Glassman, but some times you have to give credit where credit is due.

Let’s push aside the fact that one (Major) is going to marry Michael Lohan, and both of them have had relations with Jon Gosselin, (which reveals their VERY suspect taste), and let me show you this HILARIOUS tweet that Hailey Glassman left for Kate Major upon hearing the news that she and Michael Lohan were to wed.

@hAiLeYgLaSsMaN1: @k8major can’t believe ur gettin married!Fuckin crazy’s-LOL,Maybe Michael can offer Lindsay an appearance fee to come to ur wedding-LMFAO

Kate re-tweeted the message, saying “LOL but will u come for Free”

Kate Major has also declared herself on Team Kate Gosselin via her page as well, but the fact that she’s going to marry the wack job that is Michael Lohan just takes all that potential away from her.

Thanks for the laugh though.

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