And the Whitney Countdown begins. Whitney has released the exclusive tracklist for her much-anticipated comeback album, ‘I Look To You,’ in stores September 1. And guess what? There’s no track called ‘Bobbaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!.’ The full tracklist of ‘I Look To You’ – after the jump!
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Crack is Wack; Whit is Back!
Looks like Whitney Houston traded in husband Bobby Brown for some Bobbi Brown cosmetics. Girl is looking good! Whitney was in London this week to unveil her new album, “I Look to You”, and she appeared fresh faced and off the pipe. Her album will be released September 1. Spending much of the 2000s in […]

Whitney Houston Reveals New Album Name
Whitney Houston has revealed the name of her upcoming album today on her official website. The album, which is set for release on September 1, 2009 will be her 7th. The album title will be, I Look to You. Does she still have it? Unlikely.

Whitney Walks her Bitches.
Whitney Houston was spotted walking her two little dogs and a new young male companion outside of the Beverly Wilshire in Beverly Hills this past week. Who’s the new Ray-J, Whit? Check out some more EXCLUSIVE photos below. [nggallery id=491]

Whitney Houston Back in Town.
In town for this weeks Grammy Awards festivities, Whitney Houston stopped by a doctors office in Beverly Hills. Whitney’s been back in the news as comparison’s have came forward over who did the National Anthem better at the Superbowl, her in 1991 or Jennifer Hudson in 2009. Both lip-synched, so I believe it’s a non […]