Some new details regarding Anchorman 2 have been revealed! Adam McKay has put out some details regarding the highly anticipated sequel, most importantly that there is going to be musical numbers. The first Anchorman film had a musical number, and McKay has done musical numbers in Step Brothers and one that was cut from Talladega […]
Tag Archives | Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell Launches Get out The Vote Campaign
The always hilarious Will Ferrell has released a new video online urging citizens of the USA to vote in tomorrow’s election. Ferrell is a supporter of President Barack Obama, and the video was posted through the official Barack Obama YouTube channel. The funny man promises that in return for voting, he will do just […]

Will Ferrell Heartbroken Over ‘Twilight’ Cheating Scandal
s Will Ferell is constantly hilarious during every public appearance, no matter the setting. So why wouldn’t he let out all of his emotions regarding Kristen Stewart’s cheating scandal during a chat with Conan O’brien this week on his late night talk show. Forget the fact his new film ‘The Campaign’ hits theaters next friday, […]

Will Ferrell Joining ‘The Internship’
Will Ferrell is set to join Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson for a new comedy film titled ‘The Internship,” according to a new report in Variety. The film follows two laid off men in their forties, who attempt to start new careers as interns at a major tech company, ran by people half their […]

New ‘Anchorman 2’ Teaser Released
A second teaser for ‘Anchorman 2’ has been released on Will Ferrell’s Funny Or Die website. The clip, same style of the one that aired before ‘The Dictator’ in theaters this week is exactly what they’re calling it, a tease. You’ll have to wait until 2013 for the release of the film, but we must […]

Anchorman 2 Teaser Leaks
The first teaser for ‘Anchorman 2’ has leaked on to the Internet. The segment is playing before Sacha Baron Cohen’s ‘The Dictator’ which hit theaters this week, and some sneaky movie-goer has managed to film the ‘Anchorman’ bit. Check it out below.

SNL Celebrates 100th Digital Short
SNL celebrated their 100th digital short this past Saturday, by bringing back all of the famous characters from the past 100 videos that have went viral and started a movement on the show. With cameos by Will Farrell, Justin Bieber, Justin Timberlake, Michel Bolton, Keenan Thompson as Reba, and all of the other characters that […]

Ron Burgundy Officially Announces ‘Anchorman 2’
The news is official! ‘Anchorman 2’ is coming your way. Will Ferrell, as Ron Burgundy, star of San Diego’s top news team, paid a visit to Conan O’brien’s late night talk show on Wednesday night to announce the sequel. He announced, after playing a mean flute solo, ” As of 09:00 Mountain Time, Paramount Pictures […]

Will Ferrell Announces Starting Line Ups At NBA Game
Will Ferrell played for the Flint Tropics in the comedy film ‘Semi Pro,’ and he made his debut in the real pros last night, announcing the starting line ups for the New Orleans Hornets at their game vs. the Chicago Bulls. Ferrell is currently in New Orleans filming “Dog Fight” with Zach Galifinakis, and took […]

Will Ferrell’s New Film Is How You Say “Hilarious” in Spanish
Will Ferrell fans are going to be put to the ultimo test when his new film premieres on March 16. ‘Casa De Mi Padre’ will be Ferrell’s first Spanish language film, and is being toted as “The funniest movie you’ll ever read.” The film centers on Armando, played by Ferrell, trying to save his family’s […]