You see, it’s all good!! Just press this button on her back, and “presto!”…

February 21, 2008: Essence Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon.katie.jpgEither Katie Holmes has been forbidden all internet/media access, or that little trip to the Geek Squad worked wonders for Tommy’s social life!!  Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cruise seemed pretty boring cuddly yesterday at the Essence Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon, in spite of rumors of Tom Cruise’s possible cheating, and his odd choice of calendar dates in which to “hang out” and “lay low” with his new friend.  I swear, if it were not because he could always switch her off and shove her in a closet, I’d say Tom Cruise wants Katie Holmes to leave him…  Wait no, he could still be shooting for that, you know, with him being Sir Common Sense and all…hi.JPGkiss1.JPG021408_sl_cruise07.JPGtommy2.JPGI bet Katie Holmes invested down to her last penny in the Church of Scientology, and then her father’s money, and his father’s money after that.  I’m also pretty sure she signed every pre-nup under the sun.  Let’s just hope that “Suri”  kid is really hers, and that she was not used as the “sacred vessel” for some weird Scientology experiment!  If not, I’m guessing she’ll be seeing a lot more of the closet, very soon.

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