The Face Obama Doesn’t Want Near His Campaign.

Lindsay Lohan has been given a big fat diss by Barack Obama’s camp after offering to help promote their bid for the White House.

Apparently ex-rehabbed recovering addict lesbians aren’t what the campaign had in mind?

Lohan reportedly offered to host a number of events to encourage young voters to vote for the democratic candidate, as she has most recently pledged her allegiance to Obama via her myspace blog.

Unfortunately for Linds, Obama’s boys responded with a “no thanks” by saying that the actress ”is not exactly the kind of high-profile star who would be a positive for us.”

That’s kind of a slap in the face to Lindsay if you ask me.  Both candidates should be welcoming help from anyone whose words can be heard publicly no matter their past issues.  Though only 5% of voters in a recent poll on Pop Eater said they  would let a celebrity’s stance influence them while 95% said it meant nothing to them…  5% could easily make up the difference in this election. Right?

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