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Michael Lohan’s ‘Never Give Up’ Attitude

All Michael Lohan has to to is sign on to twitter, and he could find proof straight from her mouth that his daughter Lindsay want’s nothing to do with her, even calling him names like her “ex-father.” But Michael is like the little engine that couldn’t.  Give the man an A for effort. Photographers spotted […]

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Who’d Make the Best (worst) Dad For Lindsay’s Baby

Everyone knows Lindsay has a problem being left alone and can you blame her, would you want to be left alone in a room with her?  InTouch is reporting that her new solution is to have a baby. Apparently she told a friend she really wants one, the baby would act as a constant companion […]

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Snooki Says She’s Not a Lindsay Wannabe!

Despite what a New Jersey judge said yesterday, Snooki want’s you to know she’s NOT a Lindsay Lohan wannabe. And she’s got a point! Snooki said today in a statement: “I definitely thought it was harsh,” she says. “I never drank and drove, I don’t do drugs – I do nothing that Lindsay does, so […]

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Judge Calls Snooki a “Lindsay Lohan Wannabe”

Not exactly legal speak, but hilarious none the less! Snooki was in a Seaside Heights court room this morning, over that little public drunkenness arrest last month while filming Jersey Shore season 3. It was a short hearing, where she plead her case, and was essentially given a slap on the wrist. Snooks received one […]

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Machete Opens Today, and Kicks Mejor Culo!

If you do anything this weekend besides overdose on college football, GO SEE MACHETE! In traditional Robert Rodriguez fashion, this movie does NOT disappoint! If by chance you go, and don’t enjoy the film,  then just look at it as spending $15 bucks to see 20 or so minutes of Lindsay Lohan’s boobs on the […]

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Lindsay to Dad: Cease and Desist!

Though Michael Lohan has recently made it sound as if He and Lindsay had been communicating, even letting her decide the name of his new rehab facility, what he really meant to say was, “I’m selling pages of her diary, any takers?” Apparently Michael has gotten his hands on a diary that Lindsay wrote in […]

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Lindsay Lohan Talks Downward Spiral, Dad in Vanity Fair

We’ve got to believe she inked this deal and shot these photos before she started her jail/rehab stint, but Lindsay Lohan is everywhere in the weeks of her release! Lindsay Lohan is currently appearing on the October cover of Vanity Fair, talking about where things went south, and how she intends on getting her career […]

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Lindsay Lohan Gets Probation Stipulations

Now that Lindsay Lohan is a free-bird, everyone is waiting for that first interview. Though she only spent 22 of her 90 days in rehab, Lindsay will still be ordered to receive out-patient care. There was a hearing this morning to discuss the stipulations of her probation, and Judge Elden Fox is demanding the following: […]

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Not Today, Linds

Unfortunatley for Lindsay Lohan, today is not her day! Though a meeting was scheduled for today at 1:30 pm that could have had the judge granting her release from UCLA’s medical center,  Lindsay will have to wait. The judge ordered this morning that the meeting be pushed back until tomorrow. Our guess is that the […]

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Could Lindsay Be Sprung Tomorrow?

Could Lindsay Lohan be sprung from rehab as early as tomorrow? Sources are reporting that after a day in court with Lindsay’s lawyer Shawn Champan Holley, Judge Elden Fox will make a decision tomorrow some time between 1:30 and 3:30 on Lindsay’s length of stay. As previously reported, doctors at UCLA think she has done […]

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