When you’re Tori Spelling and the year is 2010 (almost 2011), you write books! Tori has a boat load of books on the shelf already, from autobiographies, to mommy books, and now she’s throwing her name in the hat as a party planner. Did we mention this is a TWO book deal? The first book […]
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Tori Spelling Just Says No to H2O
The actress Tori Spelling revealed during a recent interview that she does not drink water! Aside from being no good for her body, assuming it means she just drinks other things all day long, we are curious to know just how she avoids it? “I hate water! I’m never thirsty actually. I don’t drink water. […]
Tori & Dean Taking Over Oxygen
Wow, you people really watch them? Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott have been asked to partake in not one but two series ‘ this season on Oxygen. The network renewed Tori & Dean : Home Sweet Hollywood for another season and also that it’s green-lit a new series called Tori & Dean: sTORIbook Weddings. In […]

Tori Spelling Looking Healthy!
A healthier looking than usual Tori Spelling was spotted out at a Michaels craft shop in the Valley this weekend picking up some supplies. After all of those photos of her looking like skin and bones, it seems like maybe she’s getting it together and putting the weight back on. Maybe the stomach problem excuse […]

EXCLUSIVE!!! Tori Spelling and Her Twinkle-toes
Someone must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed!! We spotted a very angry Tori Spelling picking her kids up from ballet class in The Valley. Little miss paparazzi- Tori, had her camera in tow when she caught the end of Liam and Stella’s class. Check out a few more photos of […]

It’s 9/02/10!
Beverly Hills is celebrating it’s famous zip code today, as it matches the date of 9/02/10! So in honor of what should have been your favorite television show growing up, and now, we are joining in the revolution on Twitter. Post #DonnaMartinGraduates Let’s get it trending!

Spelling and Family NOH8 Face Paint
Tori Spelling and her family say No to Prop 8 by saying yes to face paint. The whole family went and got the NOH8 message painted on their cheeks in Los Angeles today. Permission to marry after proposition banning gay marriage was overturned, has been postponed for another week. We’ll see if Tori and family […]

Pray-Day For Tori and Dean
After the week Dean Mcdermott just had, a special visit to the house of the big guy was probably in order. We spotted Tori Spelling, Dean, and the kids Liam and Stella heading to a church in Pasadena on Thursday afternoon, looking like one big happy family. It’s been Dean’s first trip out of the […]

Tori’s Son Gets Twitter Page
Because why not, Tori Spelling’s eldest son, Liam, three, has launched his own Twitter page. Moderated by Tori, the page consists of some of Liam’s famous one-liners. The kid is hilarious! With nearly twenty thousand followers in under a week, Liam has made his followers, including dad Dean McDermott who is home in bed recovering […]

Tori & Tots Arrive at Hospital to See Dean
We spotted Tori Spelling arriving at the hospital where husband Dean McDermott has been cooped up after his motorcycle accident, looking sad of the circumstances, with children Stella and Liam in tow. The good news is, Dean has been tweeting that he’s slowly recovering, and Tori even took to her own Twitter to talk about […]