With the NFL lockout ten days in and no end in site, the Wilkinson/Baskett family has got to eat! Wilkinson has recently revealed that she will be enlisting her husband, Hank Baskett, to full time daddy duty while she trains for Dancing With the Stars, and appears on the show however long her run should […]
Tag Archives | Hank Baskett

Kendra Wilkinson Calls Long Distance Marriage a “Blessing in Disguise”
Now that Hank Baskett is playing on the Minnesota Vikings, he and Kendra Wilkinson have been forced into a long distance marriage for the time being. However, it seems to be working out pretty well according to Kendra. “It’s awesome. It’s not a bad thing. It’s actually a great thing. It’s a way to step […]

Hank Baskett Moves Out!
Okay, sort of a mis-leading headline, but just like the hokey-pokey, that’s what it’s all about. Kendra Wilkinson moved to Philadelphia with her husband, Hank Baskett, who was playing for the Philadelphia Eagles at the time, before he was traded away to the Indianapolis Colts. Before they had to pick up and move to Indy, […]

Happy Anniversary to Kendra and Hank
Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett celebrated their 1 year marriage anniversary this weekend! The couple were married on June 27th, 2009 and have already been through a lot together in the past year, including the birth of Hank IV, a failed Super Bowl trip, a leaked sex tape between Kendra and an ex, and Hank […]

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett Heading Back to Philly
Kendra and Hank are on the move again! After a year in Indianapolis where he was playing for the Indianapolis Colts, Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett are heading back to Philidelphia. Hank was traded back to his former team, the Philidelphia Eagles, where he spent four seasons before being traded to the Colts for a […]
Kendra’s Sex Tape Drama to be Taped by E!
Looks like Kendra Wilkinson is smart enough to let the all mighty dollar come to her after all! She may be trying some last minute legal efforts in preventing her sex tape from being released, but if it’s going to come out, she’s going to capture all the drama on camera for her reality series, […]

Kim vs. Kendra: Superbowl Showdown
The Indianapolis Colts are playing the New Orleans Saints this weekend in the Super Bowl, but the real showdown comes between E! reality stars Kendra Wilkinson and Kim Kardashian, who both have men in the big game. (sort of) Kendra’s Husband Hank Baskett plays for the Colts, while Kim’s boyfriend Reggie Bush plays for the […]

Congrats to the Basketts!
Kenda Wilkinson married football player Hank Baskett on Saturday in Los Angeles at the playboy mansion! Kendra and hank have been dating for about a year and are expecting their first child together. Hugh Hefner, along with Holly Madison and Bridget Marquardet were present for the ceremony. Kendra was walked down the aisle by her […]

E!’s newest reality success Kendra Wilkinson has some more happy news to report this week. She’s pregnant! Kendra, who is marrying Philidelphia Eagles wide reciever Hank Baskett this year, is also expecting the couples first child together. Kendra debuted her reality series this Sunday to the biggest ratings for E! reality since Anna Nicole Smith […]

Kendra & Hank: Poolside PDA.
Former Girl Next Door Kendra Wilkinson enjoyed some R&R with fiance Hank Baskett poolside at the MGM Grand hotel and Casino in Las Vegas this past weekend. Kendra began dating Hank last year after a split with Hugh Hefner and the couple became engaged shortly thereafter. Their wedding will be filmed by E! for a […]