Are these kids adorable or what?

House-hunting, pet-searching, park-playing!  Could Ben Affleck + clan be more perfect?  Either they’re in on the secret that 90% of America is yet to discover , or they’re practicing for a new, perfect-family movie role!jenn0051.jpg  Busy, busy, busy!! 021008_sl_affleck08.jpgLooking cuter than the Huxtables of Ivory Lane, our beloved Affleck clan has been quite the busy bug these days!  Not to mention that Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck have been looking more in love than ever before.  Could it just be that their little family is about to grow?  From house hunting late January, to house buying and remodeling this week, some big decisions are being made!  Just take a load of this massive investment ($22,500,000, to be exact)! 021008_sl_affleck02.jpg

Ben been meeting up with his very own extreme home makeover team in order to plan customization for this 7 bedroom, 12 bathroom shack in Holmby Hils, California.  Yes sir, it seems their country days are over!!  And, as if all this weren’t enough for you, Ben+ Jen Affleck have also been spotted making out all over town, as well as playing peek-a-boo with Violet, and even SEARCHING TO ADOPT !!  Just check out these park and pet shop photos!! peek-a-boo.jpg kitty.jpg petst.jpg

Maybe they just wanted a big ol’ place where they could play hide and seek with all their future staff, kids and animals. . . It seems that these two like having the chance to sneak a hidden rub kiss or two now and then!

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