Former Jackson Pal Calls ‘Spider Bite’ a Lie


Back in 2002, Michael Jackson showed up late to a court date in his molestation trial because of what he called a massive spider bite.

He showed the wound off to The Globe saying ” I really was bitten by spiders, I am in agony,”  but a former Jackson video producer Mark Shaffel is now revealing that it wasn’t spiders, but a self inflicted needle wound that hurt The King of Pop.

Shaffel tells The Globe this week that Jackson had been shooting up heroin when the needle broke off in his leg.  He explains; “He had the IV (intravenous) stuff back then. It wasn’t a spider bite. It was an IV he pulled out of his leg. The needle broke off.”

Could this really be?  You’d think that when he showed off the wound, anyone with the knowledge who saw it would be able to distinguish a spider bite from a herion needle wound.

Sounds like another schmuck from Jackson’s past looking to make a quick buck and disappear.

Hope The Globe didn’t pay much for that story!

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2 Responses to Former Jackson Pal Calls ‘Spider Bite’ a Lie

  1. July 15, 2009 at 1:27 pm #

    Michael had to proove it was a spiders bite, he had medical evidence.

  2. July 17, 2009 at 7:07 am #

    He wasn’t on trial for molestation at that time he was on a trial over breach of contract.

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