They were engaged to be married, and have since split, but Karina Smirnoff and Maksim Chmerkovsky are still working under the same roof. Now on Dancing With the Stars, Maks is dancing with Brandy, and Karina is dancing with Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino. Obviously, The Situation is DTF anything that looks in his direction, and […]
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Levi Johnston Wants To Dance With The Stars
Everybody’s favorite Palin isn’t content with showing the world his pecker, he now wants to give it the Lindy Hop! That’s right, Alaskan boy babe Levi Johnston wants to join that big celebs comeback place in the sky: Dancing With The Stars. The Playgirl cover dude says: “I think if my phone were to ring […]

Karina Smirnoff Would Rather Dance Naked
Dancing With The Stars star Karina Smirnoff has shed the sequins and is showing her lush lady bits inĀ PETA‘s new anti-fur campaign. Smirnoff sexily declares: “I’d rather dance than wear fur!” And we’d rather choke on a fur ball than watch Dancing With The Stars! The sexxxy & single star – she’s no longer […]

Madonna Gives “Dancing With The Stars” Star Advice
We don’t quite understand the phenomenon that is Dancing With The Stars. The “mom and pop” show was only vaguely appealing television once – when Heather Mills‘ leg threatened to fly off during the Waltz. But if Madonna came on? Yeah, we’d watch. Current contestant, actress and dancer Debi Mazar (who is probably more famous […]

Dancing With the Stars Season 9 Cast Revealed, Again the Term “Star” is Applied Loosely
ABC revealed their cast of dancers on this morning for the ninth season of Dancing With the Stars. The roster is a mix of people who you know and people you have to google, rest assured your grandma will know none of these people and just call them by the names she makes up in […]