An ex-Scientologist has posted online what is believed to be documents from a private investigation regarding the private lives of South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. The documents, posted by Marty Rathbun and first picked up by The Village Voice, are from a 2005 investigation that took place shortly after the Comedy Central […]
Tag Archives | scientology

Lindsay Lohan Turning To Scientology?
Could Lindsay Lohan be the next big celeb to turn to Scientology? There’s a rumor going around that the actress is turning to the religion to help her struggles with drugs and alcohol, and big time Scientologist John Travolta has already took the star under his wing, convincing the producers of the Gotti film to […]
Kirstie Alley Fires Back Over Weight Loss/Scientology Reports
Kirstie Alley is phocking mad that people are linking her new Organic Liaison weight loss plan with Scientology funding. Alley Tweeted the rage at The Hollywood Reporter’s Roger Friedman; “Please Google Mr. Roger Friedman. He is spreading lies about me and my new business. You will see his history & why Fox fired him.” Going […]

Kirstie Alley Denies Embezzling Diet Plan Funds to Scientology
Kristie Alley is firing back at claims made that some of the money made by her Organic Liaison diet plan has been channeled directly into the Church of Scientology to fund teachings. Stealing money from the fatties to pay for her weird church??? Alley is an active Scientologist, who recently founded the company which charges […]

Hollywood Star Resigns From Scientology!
What’s that noise? That’s the sound of the wheels the Scientology “religion” slowly grinding to a halt. The latest defector is Hollywood Writer/Director Paul Haggis, a lifelong Scientologist who recently severed all ties with the organization after he realized Scientology is a strong backer of homophobic Prop 8. Scientology hates gay, which is a really […]

Travolta Admits: “Yes, Jett was Autistic”
The L.A. Times is reporting that John Travolta has at last admitted that his deceased son was autistic. Travolta revealed to a Bahamian Court that his son “suffered from a seizure disorder.” The Battlefield Earth star went on to explain that Jett would also suffer frequent seizures and then crash for 12 hours. The practising […]

Wowza! the Reverend Al Sharpton, a fanatic Christian, and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, a Jew-hating Muslim, are taking introductory courses and getting “audited” at the Church of Scientology, so says a source on the inside. That’s weird. You’d think that ol’ Al would never willingly subject himself to auditing – he’s a tax cheat! […]

More Tom Cruise Scientology Nonsense
Tom Cruise‘s former Scientology “auditor” Mark Rathbun is going public with bombshell allegations of abuse within the Church. If you don’t know what an auditor is, he’s the guy who reads your “e-meter” as you answer personal questions without knowing that the whole thing is being taped so as to blackmail you should you ever go public. (This […]

I Desperately Wanted to Believe Will Smith Wasn’t A Scientologist But Stuff Like This Makes It Really Difficult
Why can’t Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith just send their kids to either Hardvard- Westlake or Crossroads like all other celebs parents? If they’re concerned about their children feeling out of place in a public school, I’m sure they’d feel pretty comfortable at Harvard-Westlake with the sons and daughters of the people who finance their […]

Travolta Leaving Scientology? Won’t Tom Cruise Get Lonely?
Ah, young Johnny Travolta, this is the way I like to think of him, as opposed to the guy whose made a career on three good movie roles and fifty billion bad ones. Like Tom Cruise, John is a mega-movie star whose more well known nowadays for being a Scientologist than for being in good […]