Chelsea Handler posted this photo of herself and 50 cent in bed to her Twitter feed with the caption: “I don’t know why anyone thinks I would ever date a rapper.” Chelsea has been speculated to be dating 50 Cent for some time now, but neither will come out and say it, they just make […]
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Chelsea Handler Doesn’t Regret Angelina Jolie Jokes
Chelsea Handler caught a lot of flack for her Angelina Jolie rant during a stand-up routine this past weekend, so naturally she addressed it on her show. To make it completely clear, Handler insisted that Friday’s bit had absolutely nothing to do with her pal, Jannifer Aniston. She explains : “I’ve been making fun of […]

Chelsea Handler Unleashes Fury of Insults at Angelina Jolie During Stand-Up Bit
Chelsea Handler unleashed a fury of jokes about Angelina Jolie and her family during a stand-up bit on her tour this past weekend. Among things like calling her a c**t and a home wrecker, she made fun of her adopted children and their ethnic backgrounds as well. While the kid cracks may not have been […]

50 Cent Not Chelsea’s Handler – Yet…
After 50 Cent and Chelsea Handler were spotted getting cozy in New Orleans last weekend, rumors started running rampant that they were the hot new couple on the block. But Chelsea took to her Twitter page to address the situation saying there’s nothing to report – yet. “Everyone, calm down. I met with mr. Cent […]

Michelle McGee Fires Back at Chelsea Handler…Misses…
If anything in this whole Jesse James/ Sandra Bullock ordeal is going to make you feel bad for Michelle Bombshell McGee…. it’s this! Michelle has waged a war of words on Chelsea Handler ever since Handler took a crack at McGoon’s tattoos on her late night talk show. The problem is… Michelle McGee sucks at […]

Chelsea Does Playboy!
It’s finally here: Chelsea Handler‘s Playboy issue. The E! Entertainment host and NY Times best-selling author unveils a different version of herself to the world this November: The Slut! We gotta admit it though… She’s looking totally sexy porn hot! What do you think? Click here to follow Starzlife on Twitter!

Chelsea Handler and BF/Boss Call It Quits
Chelsea Handler has kicked her live-in boyfriend to the curb. Only her boyfriend isn’t some wannabe Venice musician, he’s Ted Harbert, CEO of Comcast. As in her boss. That makes for an awkward office environment, no? Rumor has it that banging her boss got Chelsea her sweet 3-year extension deal on her cable show, Chelsea […]

Quote of the Day
“Miley, I am officially a fan. But I can’t say the same about Hannah Montana. Now that, is a dirty little slut.” -Chelsea Handler raving over Miley Cyrus’ new song Party in the USA and the stripper pole featuring performance that went along with it at this years Teen Choice Awards.

Chelsea Handler Sarcastically Miffed Over GLAAD Snub
The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, which exists primarily to send out eye-rolling press releases chiding people for using the word “gay” when referring to something that sucks (they also went out of their way to stomp the fun out of Bruno) just totally iced Chelsea Handler in their latest “report” (WHO ASKED?!) on […]

Quote Of the Day.
“People who speak out for gay people just so that they can create a fan base annoy the shit out of me. People like Tori Spelling. She doesn’t have compassion for them. She’s not going out doing things for them. She’s like, “Oh, I have such a huge gay following.” It’s because no one else […]