Zac Efron might have just got himself into uncharted waters known as High School Musical 4 and beyond. Zac reportedly is about to sign a deal for 10 million that would place him along side Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Carribbean 4 and Zac would ultimately become the heir to the Pirates throne when […]
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Is He Worth It?
Johnny Depp will become the highest paid actor for a single film with his $55.8 million dollar paycheck to reprise his role of Captain Jack in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film, surpassing the previous top spot held by Tom Hanks for his sequel or prequel to The Davinci Code. A lot of sites […]

Depp Signs On For Pirates 4.
Disney has given the green light on a fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie and Johnny Depp has signed on to reprise his role of Captain Jack Sparrow. The Pirates franchise has brought in over 1 billion for Disney so a fourth film was definitely expected following the success of the others. Sparrow wont be […]
Johnny Depp rips on his guitar with Kramer on lead vocals!!!
Johnny Depp rocked old school style with his old band, The Kids, in Pompano Beach, Florida. I can’t understand what the heck “Kramer” is singing about nor do I give a rat’s ass. Johnny looks so freaking HOT! I mean literally. What is it with rockers sweating so much? Reminds me of some cute pictures […]

Three Big Stars Do Something Great.
Three of Hollywood’s biggest names are donating their paychecks. What’s got these guys in the giving spirit? Who are they? Wheres the money going? Find out after this.