Paris Hilton has issued an apology for her controversial comments about the gay community and AIDS, insisting “I wish I could take back every word.” Hilton was secretly recorded by a cab driver, discussing the gay community, HIV, and the gay social networking site Grindr with friends in NYC earlier this month. The audio, which […]
Tag Archives | gays

Paris Hilton Dealing With Doctored Audio Recording
Paris Hilton should hang out with Mitt Romney and share their doctored audio stories! An audio recording has began to circulate the web, featuring Paris Hilton badmouthing the gay community. During the conversation, in which Paris Hilton is chatting with friends, she’s heard talking about gay men who have sex with random strangers. The shocking […]

ABC Almost Paired Carson Kressley With A Male Partner On DWTS
‘Queer Eye For the Straight Guy’ star Carson Kressley will be appearing on the upcoming season of ‘Dancing With The Stars,’ and a decision was almost made to allow him to dance with a male partner. Almost… The show’s executive producer, Conrad Green has told E! Online, “We try to follow what happens in real […]

Bert And Ernie Will Not Be Getting Gay Married
TV bosses from Sesame Street won’t be hiring a wedding planner for any nuptials between Bert & Ernie any time soon. Despite a petition on which urges the writers and producers to consider a gay marriage episode now that same sex unions are legal in New York, where the program is set. Lair Scott, […]
Chris Brown Cleared Of Homophobic Rant
Lawyers for Chris Brown are defending a story that their client used homophobic slurs while playing pickup basketball in Los Angeles late last month. A new article in Star Magaizne claims while playing basketball at a 24 Hour Fitness in LA, Brown used homophobic slurs and terms at the other players, but camp Brown is […]

Chris Brown Never Meant to “Insult Anyone” With Gay Slur
Chris Brown is back in the dog house at least with the Human Rights Campaign. The singer recently dropped a double bomb on a group of photographers who he had accused of alerting parking authority that he was illegally parked. After being alerted that his car was going to receive a citation, Brown left the […]

Cee Lo Green Defends “Homophobic” Tweet
Cee Lo Green is facing the music after his “voice” got him into a bit of trouble on Twitter. Green performed along side Rihanna at a recent concert in Minnesota, and after a critic gave him a not so positive review, he responded on the social networking site, claiming that the critic must be “gay.” […]

San Francisco Giants: “It Gets Better”
The San Francisco Giants are the latest on board for the ‘It Gets Better’ campaign. The baseball team recently filmed a video which appeared on line to help teens deal with bullying and suicidal thoughts, a big problem among gay teens. Check it out below. It does get better! httpv://

Anti Gay Activist Blames Dead Birds On Repeal of DADT
We hate to even give a loony-toon like this an ounce of press, but this is too ridiculous not to share! Antigay activist Cindy Jacobs, who is a member of Generals International has posted a video explaining her belief that it was the repeal of the military’s ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ that has caused for […]

Chris Browns Homophobic Hump-Day on Twitter
Chris Brown has been on the straight and narrow for some time now, even comepleting his domestic violence course, but he may be back on a few peoples shit lists after a twitter rant today that could be deemed homophobic. When B2K rapper Raz B tweeted: “Im just sittin here Thinking how can n**gas like […]